3D Zombie Shooter Base - Day One
Hello everyone!
this is a little game made for day one of the blackthornprod game jam.
project files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1awW48inZJfIToWQT_ZXFIldmFxQAxXID/view?usp=shari...
Hello everyone!
this is a little game made for day one of the blackthornprod game jam.
project files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1awW48inZJfIToWQT_ZXFIldmFxQAxXID/view?usp=shari...
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Великий шедевр, лучше всяких этих AAA ИГРУШЕК
I would add an ammo display to show how much ammo you have, make the speed of the zombies start off slow but progressively get faster, and maybe adding some parkour elements to it.
pleasant shooter
My day2 of your project! 😎~🎵

Ive worked on your project for Day 2, sorry i couldnt add much as I dont have the time.
dont worry about it. thanks for choosing my project tho :)
for some reason the gun doesnt deal damage 70% of the time
Ah I thought I fixed that. Could you send a short video so I can see? I had that problem until I made the gun shoot in Late update after the camera was updated in update.
this is what I see:
do you see something different?I fixed it in Day 2.
You put it in LateUpdate but it should have been in FixedUpdate.
thank you. I didnt notice until now that the gun sometimes doesnt detect a hit when in late update but it works in fixed update to detect every hit. Do you know why fixed update doesnt miss any hits? I would think that fixed update would be worse for this since its called less than the updates, but no.
Well It does not get called less, it just gets called at constant intervals. Every Physics step is calculated in fixedupdate. Since you try to do a physics call it should go in fixedupdate.
In normal / late update the call interval can vary depending on the framerate thus a collider may not be correctly moved according to phyiscs yet.